Onboarding New Employees

When you hire new employees, you want them to be productive and an integrated part of the team as fast as possible; this not only helps the team and organization, but the employee as well. To achieve this goal, there are a number of actions managers can take to help new employees onboard quickly and effectively. The Onboarding New Employees courseware will equip you to do just. By helping new employees learn their new role, what’s expected of them, get to know their team members, and building required skills, you will help any new hire become an effective and contributing new member of the team successfully and with speed.

This course bundle includes the following bite sized mobile ready courses:

  1. New Hire Expectations of a Manager
    New employees know exactly what they can expect from you as a manager
  2. First Weeks’ Deliverables
    New hires learn what work they must do & what they must achieve in the first few weeks on-the-job
  3. Team Members Introduce Themselves
    Team members introduce themselves to the new hire
  4. Great Work Situations for New Hires
    Managers learn what will create a great work situation for each new employee
  5. Learning a New Role
    New employees learn how they fit in with the team and how they can contribute to the organization
  6. We Wish We Had Known
    New hires learn what their peers wished they had known when starting their own job
  7. Learning from Co-Workers
    New hires learn from co-workers why it’s great to work for the team and the company
  8. Teams Share with New Hires
    Team members discuss the team’s overall purpose and deliverables with the new hire
  9. New Hires Build New Skills
    Know what skills and knowledge the new hire must build to be successful in the new role
  10. Coaching New Hires
    New employees receive coaching & information to ensure the right work is done at the right time
  11. New Hires Get Coaching From Others
    New hires have a network of resources for coaching, feedback and skill building
  12. Reconnect Employees to Individual Work
    New employees are reconnected to the work they must do and achieve
  13. Feedback for New Hires
    New employees receive feedback on what they’ve done so far & learn what they must do in the future
  14. Exploring Professional Development
    New hires explore how they can grow and develop within the company
  15. New Hires Build a Professional Network
    Team members help new hires build a network of people within the company
  16. Feedback from New Hires
    Managers receive feedback from their new hires
  17. New Hire Performance Review
    New hires receive a review of their performance since starting their new job
  18. Work and Challenges in the Future
    New hires get clear on the work and challenges that lie ahead

Additional Courses

These courses are part of the Onboarding Learning Track. If you’d like to add to your development experience, consider selecting additional titles from this Learning Track:

  • Onboarding New Employees
  • Starting a New Job
Price: $99.99 USD